Research Pal by Research StudiobyResearch Pal by Research Studio

Your AI-Powered Video/Audio Transcriber, Summrizer & Assistant

that understands 99+ languages

Hero video

Easy & fast transcription

Transcribe any video or audio from your computer, You Tube or a public URL in just a few minutes. Automatically generate subtitles & retreive answers to any questions in seconds with our integrated AI assitant. All available in 99+ languages

Cool Pricing





30 minutes / month
50 questions / transcript
Export .txt, .docx
1GB video & audio storage
Up to 100MB / file
Export auto-generated .srt
Interactive timestamps
Live tracking & player





8 hours / month
Unlimited questions
Export .txt, .docx
10GB video & audio storage
Up to 4GB / file
Export auto-generated .srt
Interactive timestamps
Live tracking & player